Source code for torchdr.affinity.base

"""Base classes for affinity matrices."""

# Author: Hugues Van Assel <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

from abc import ABC

import numpy as np
import torch

from torchdr.utils import (

[docs] class Affinity(ABC): r"""Base class for affinity matrices. Parameters ---------- metric : str, optional The distance metric to use for computing pairwise distances. zero_diag : bool, optional Whether to set the diagonal of the affinity matrix to zero. device : str, optional The device to use for computation. Typically "cuda" for GPU or "cpu" for CPU. If "auto", uses the device of the input data. backend : {"keops", "faiss", None}, optional Which backend to use for handling sparsity and memory efficiency. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional Verbosity. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, metric: str = "sqeuclidean", zero_diag: bool = True, device: str = "auto", backend: str = None, verbose: bool = False, ): self.log = {} self.metric = metric self.zero_diag = zero_diag self.device = device self.backend = backend self.verbose = verbose self.zero_diag = zero_diag def __call__(self, X: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray, **kwargs): r"""Compute the affinity matrix from the input data. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. Returns ------- affinity_matrix : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The computed affinity matrix. """ X = to_torch(X, device=self.device) return self._compute_affinity(X, **kwargs) def _compute_affinity(self, X: torch.Tensor): r"""Compute the affinity matrix from the input data. This method must be overridden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `_compute_affinity` method is not implemented by the subclass, a NotImplementedError is raised. """ raise NotImplementedError( "[TorchDR] ERROR : `_compute_affinity` method is not implemented." ) @handle_keops def _distance_matrix(self, X: torch.Tensor, k: int = None): r"""Compute the pairwise distance matrix from the input data. It uses the specified metric and optionally leveraging KeOps for memory efficient computation. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. k : int, optional Number of nearest neighbors to compute the distance matrix. Default is None. Returns ------- C : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The pairwise distance matrix. The type of the returned matrix depends on the value of the `backend` attribute. If `backend` is `keops`, a KeOps LazyTensor is returned. Otherwise, a torch.Tensor is returned. """ return pairwise_distances( X=X, metric=self.metric, backend=self.backend_, exclude_self=self.zero_diag, k=k, )
[docs] class LogAffinity(Affinity): r"""Base class for affinity matrices in log domain. Parameters ---------- metric : str, optional The distance metric to use for computing pairwise distances. device : str, optional The device to use for computation. Typically "cuda" for GPU or "cpu" for CPU. If "auto", uses the device of the input data. backend : {"keops", "faiss", None}, optional Which backend to use for handling sparsity and memory efficiency. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional If True, prints additional information during computation. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, metric: str = "sqeuclidean", zero_diag: bool = True, device: str = "auto", backend: str = None, verbose: bool = False, ): super().__init__( metric=metric, zero_diag=zero_diag, device=device, backend=backend, verbose=verbose, ) def __call__(self, X: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray, log: bool = False, **kwargs): r"""Compute the affinity matrix from the input data. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. log : bool, optional If True, returns the log of the affinity matrix. Else, returns the affinity matrix by exponentiating the log affinity matrix. Returns ------- affinity_matrix : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The computed log affinity matrix if `log` is True, otherwise the exponentiated log affinity matrix. """ X = to_torch(X, device=self.device) log_affinity = self._compute_log_affinity(X, **kwargs) if log: return log_affinity else: return log_affinity.exp() def _compute_log_affinity(self, X: torch.Tensor): r"""Compute the log affinity matrix from the input data. This method must be overridden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `_compute_log_affinity` method is not implemented by the subclass, a NotImplementedError is raised. """ raise NotImplementedError( "[TorchDR] ERROR : `_compute_log_affinity` method is not implemented." )
class SparseLogAffinity(LogAffinity): r"""Base class for sparse log affinity matrices. If sparsity is enabled, returns the log affinity matrix in a rectangular format with the corresponding indices. Otherwise, returns the full affinity matrix and None. Parameters ---------- metric : str, optional The distance metric to use for computing pairwise distances. Default is "sqeuclidean". zero_diag : bool, optional Whether to set the diagonal of the affinity matrix to zero. Default is True. device : str, optional The device to use for computation. Typically "cuda" for GPU or "cpu" for CPU. If "auto", uses the device of the input data. Default is "auto". backend : {"keops", "faiss", None}, optional Which backend to use for handling sparsity and memory efficiency. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional If True, prints additional information during computation. Default is False. sparsity : bool or 'auto', optional Whether to compute the affinity matrix in a sparse format. Default is "auto". """ def __init__( self, metric: str = "sqeuclidean", zero_diag: bool = True, device: str = "auto", backend: str = None, verbose: bool = False, sparsity: bool = True, ): super().__init__( metric=metric, zero_diag=zero_diag, device=device, backend=backend, verbose=verbose, ) self.sparsity = sparsity def __call__( self, X: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray, log: bool = False, return_indices: bool = False, **kwargs, ): r"""Compute and return the log affinity matrix from input data. If sparsity is enabled, returns the log affinity in rectangular format with the corresponding indices. Otherwise, returns the full affinity matrix and None. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data used to compute the affinity matrix. log : bool, optional If True, returns the log of the affinity matrix. Else, returns the affinity matrix by exponentiating the log affinity matrix. return_indices : bool, optional If True, returns the indices of the non-zero elements in the affinity matrix if sparsity is enabled. Default is False. Returns ------- affinity_matrix : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The computed log affinity matrix if `log` is True, otherwise the exponentiated log affinity matrix. indices : torch.Tensor If return_indices is True, returns the indices of the non-zero elements in the affinity matrix if sparsity is enabled. Otherwise, returns None. """ X = to_torch(X, device=self.device) log_affinity, indices = self._compute_sparse_log_affinity(X, **kwargs) affinity_to_return = log_affinity if log else log_affinity.exp() return (affinity_to_return, indices) if return_indices else affinity_to_return def _compute_sparse_log_affinity(self, X: torch.Tensor): r"""Compute the log affinity matrix in a sparse format from the input data. This method must be overridden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `_compute_sparse_log_affinity` method is not implemented by the subclass, a NotImplementedError is raised. """ raise NotImplementedError( "[TorchDR] ERROR : `_compute_sparse_log_affinity` method is " "not implemented." ) class UnnormalizedAffinity(Affinity): r"""Base class for unnormalized affinities. These affinities are defined using a closed-form formula on the pairwise distance matrix and can be directly applied to a subset of the data by providing indices. Parameters ---------- metric : str, optional The distance metric to use for computing pairwise distances. Default is "sqeuclidean". zero_diag : bool, optional Whether to set the diagonal of the affinity matrix to zero. Default is True. device : str, optional The device to use for computation, e.g., "cuda" for GPU or "cpu" for CPU. If "auto", it uses the device of the input data. Default is "auto". backend : {"keops", "faiss", None}, optional Which backend to use for handling sparsity and memory efficiency. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional If True, prints additional information during computation. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, metric: str = "sqeuclidean", zero_diag: bool = True, device: str = "auto", backend: str = None, verbose: bool = False, ): super().__init__( metric=metric, zero_diag=zero_diag, device=device, backend=backend, verbose=verbose, ) def __call__( self, X: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray, Y: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray = None, indices: torch.Tensor = None, **kwargs, ): r"""Compute the affinity matrix from the input data. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples_x, n_features) Input data. Y : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples_y, n_features), optional Second input data. If None, uses `Y=X`. Default is None. indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples_x, batch_size), optional Indices of pairs to compute. If None, computes the full affinity matrix. Default is None. Returns ------- affinity_matrix : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The computed affinity matrix. """ X = to_torch(X, device=self.device) if Y is not None: Y = to_torch(Y, device=self.device) C, _ = self._distance_matrix(X=X, Y=Y, indices=indices, **kwargs) return self._affinity_formula(C) def _affinity_formula(self, C: torch.Tensor | LazyTensorType): r"""Compute the affinity from the distance matrix. This method must be overridden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- C : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor Pairwise distance matrix. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `_affinity_formula` method is not implemented by the subclass, a NotImplementedError is raised. """ raise NotImplementedError( "[TorchDR] ERROR : `_affinity_formula` method is not implemented." ) @handle_keops def _distance_matrix( self, X: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray, Y: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray = None, indices: torch.Tensor = None, ): r"""Compute the pairwise distance matrix from the input data. It uses the specified metric and optionally leverages KeOps for memory efficient computation. It supports computing the full pairwise distance matrix, the pairwise distance matrix between two sets of samples, or the pairwise distance matrix between a set of samples and a subset of samples specified by indices. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples_x, n_features) Input data. Y : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples_y, n_features), optional Second input data. If None, uses `Y=X`. Default is None. indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples_x, batch_size), optional Indices of pairs to compute. If None, computes the full pairwise distance matrix. Default is None. Returns ------- C : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The pairwise distance matrix. The type of the returned matrix depends on the value of the `backend` attribute. If `backend` is `keops`, a KeOps LazyTensor is returned. Otherwise, a torch.Tensor is returned. """ if Y is not None and indices is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "[TorchDR] ERROR : transform method cannot be called with both Y " "and indices at the same time." ) elif indices is not None: return symmetric_pairwise_distances_indices( X, indices=indices, metric=self.metric ) elif Y is not None: return pairwise_distances(X, Y, metric=self.metric, backend=self.backend_) else: return pairwise_distances( X, metric=self.metric, backend=self.backend_, exclude_self=self.zero_diag, ) class UnnormalizedLogAffinity(UnnormalizedAffinity): r"""Base class for unnormalized affinities in log domain. These log affinities are defined using a closed-form formula on the pairwise distance matrix and can be directly applied to a subset of the data by providing indices. Parameters ---------- metric : str, optional The distance metric to use for computing pairwise distances. Default is "sqeuclidean". zero_diag : bool, optional Whether to set the diagonal of the affinity matrix to zero. Default is True. device : str, optional The device to use for computation, e.g., "cuda" for GPU or "cpu" for CPU. If "auto", it uses the device of the input data. Default is "auto". backend : {"keops", "faiss", None}, optional Which backend to use for handling sparsity and memory efficiency. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional If True, prints additional information during computation. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, metric: str = "sqeuclidean", zero_diag: bool = True, device: str = "auto", backend: str = None, verbose: bool = False, ): super().__init__( metric=metric, zero_diag=zero_diag, device=device, backend=backend, verbose=verbose, ) def __call__( self, X: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray, Y: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray = None, indices: torch.Tensor = None, log: bool = False, **kwargs, ): r"""Compute the affinity matrix in log domain from the input data. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples_x, n_features) Input data. Y : torch.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_samples_y, n_features), optional Second input data. If None, uses `Y=X`. Default is None. indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples_x, batch_size), optional Indices of pairs to compute. If None, computes the full affinity matrix. Default is None. log : bool, optional If True, returns the log of the affinity matrix. Else, returns the affinity matrix by exponentiating the log affinity matrix. Returns ------- affinity_matrix : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor The computed affinity matrix. """ X = to_torch(X, device=self.device) if Y is not None: Y = to_torch(Y, device=self.device) C, _ = self._distance_matrix(X=X, Y=Y, indices=indices, **kwargs) log_affinity = self._log_affinity_formula(C) if log: return log_affinity else: return log_affinity.exp() def _log_affinity_formula(self, C: torch.Tensor | LazyTensorType): r"""Compute the log affinity from the distance matrix. This method must be overridden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- C : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor Pairwise distance matrix. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `_log_affinity_formula` method is not implemented by the subclass, a NotImplementedError is raised. """ raise NotImplementedError( "[TorchDR] ERROR : `_log_affinity_formula` method is not implemented." )