Clean citation style with Author-Year format PR #139.
Functionality to switch to keops backend if it is installed and an out-of-memory error is raised PR #130.
Code of conduct PR #127.
Pull request template PR #125.
Version 0.1 (2024-09-17)
Multiple basic affinities, including scalar product, Gaussian, and Student kernels.
Affinities based on k-NN normalizations such as Self-tuning affinities and MAGIC.
Doubly stochastic affinities with entropic and quadratic projections.
Adaptive affinities with entropy control (entropic affinity) and its symmetric version.
Input and output affinities of UMAP.
A template object AffinityMatcher to solve DR with gradient descent and any input and output affinities.
Neighbor embedding methods like SNE, t-SNE, t-SNEkhorn, UMAP, LargeVis, and InfoTSNE.
Template objects for neighbor embedding methods.
Spectral embeddings via eigendecomposition of the input affinity matrix (when applicable).
KeOps compatibility for all components, except spectral embeddings.
Silhouette score.