"""Tools for optimization problems."""
# Author: Hugues Van Assel <vanasselhugues@gmail.com>
# Rémi Flamary <remi.flamary@polytechnique.edu>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
DTYPE = torch.double
DEVICE = "cpu"
"SGD": torch.optim.SGD,
"Adam": torch.optim.Adam,
"NAdam": torch.optim.NAdam,
def binary_search(
r"""Implement the binary search root finding method.
Perform a batched binary search to find the root of an increasing function f.
The domain of f is restricted to positive floats.
f : function :math:`\mathbb{R}_{>0} \to \mathbb{R}`
batched 1d increasing function which root should be computed.
n : int
size of the input of f.
begin : float or torch.Tensor of shape (n), optional
initial lower bound of the root.
end : float or torch.Tensor of shape (n), optional
initial upper bound of the root.
max_iter : int, optional
maximum iterations of search.
tol : float, optional
precision threshold at which the algorithm stops.
verbose : bool, optional
if True, prints current bounds.
dtype : torch.dtype, optional
data type of the input.
m : torch.Tensor of shape (n)
root of f.
begin, end = init_bounds(f=f, n=n, begin=begin, end=end, dtype=dtype)
m = (begin + end) / 2
fm = f(m)
pbar = tqdm(range(max_iter), disable=not verbose)
for _ in pbar:
if torch.max(torch.abs(fm)) < tol:
sam = fm * f(begin) > 0
begin = sam * m + (~sam) * begin
end = (~sam) * m + sam * end
m = (begin + end) / 2
fm = f(m)
if verbose:
mean_f = fm.abs().mean().item()
std_f = fm.abs().std().item()
"[TorchDR] Root search : "
f"mean abs value = {float(mean_f): .2e} (std = {float(std_f): .2e}) "
return m
def false_position(
r"""Implement the false position root finding method.
Perform a batched false position method to find the root
of an increasing function f.
The domain of f is restricted to positive floats.
f : function :math:`\mathbb{R}_{>0} \to \mathbb{R}`
increasing function which root should be computed.
n : int
size of the input of f.
begin : torch.Tensor of shape (n) or float, optional
initial lower bound of the root.
end : torch.Tensor of shape (n) or float, optional
initial upper bound of the root.
max_iter : int, optional
maximum iterations of search.
tol : float, optional
precision threshold at which the algorithm stops.
verbose : bool, optional
if True, prints current bounds.
dtype : torch.dtype, optional
data type of the input.
device : str, optional
device on which the computation is performed.
m : torch.Tensor of shape (n)
root of f.
begin, end = init_bounds(
f=f, n=n, begin=begin, end=end, dtype=dtype, device=device, verbose=verbose
f_begin, f_end = f(begin), f(end)
m = begin - ((begin - end) / (f(begin) - f(end))) * f(begin)
fm = f(m)
assert m.shape == begin.shape == end.shape, (
"dimension changed after evaluating the function which root should be computed."
pbar = tqdm(range(max_iter), disable=not verbose)
for _ in pbar:
if torch.max(torch.abs(fm)) < tol:
sam = fm * f_begin > 0
begin = sam * m + (~sam) * begin
f_begin = sam * fm + (~sam) * f_begin
end = (~sam) * m + sam * end
f_end = (~sam) * fm + sam * f_end
m = begin - ((begin - end) / (f_begin - f_end)) * f_begin
fm = f(m)
if verbose:
mean_f = fm.abs().mean().item()
std_f = fm.abs().std().item()
"[TorchDR] Root search : "
f"mean abs value = {float(mean_f): .2e} (std = {float(std_f): .2e}) "
return m
def init_bounds(f, n, begin=None, end=None, dtype=DTYPE, device=DEVICE, verbose=True):
"""Initialize the bounds of the root search."""
if begin is None:
begin = torch.ones(n, dtype=dtype, device=device)
assert isinstance(begin, (int, float, torch.Tensor)), (
"begin must be a float, an int or a tensor."
if isinstance(begin, torch.Tensor):
assert begin.shape == (n,), "begin must have the same shape as the output."
begin = begin.to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
begin = begin * torch.ones(n, dtype=dtype, device=device)
if end is None:
end = torch.ones(n, dtype=dtype, device=device)
assert isinstance(end, (int, float, torch.Tensor)), (
"end must be a float, an int or a tensor."
if isinstance(end, torch.Tensor):
assert end.shape == (n,), "end must have the same shape as the output."
end = end.to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
end = end * torch.ones(n, dtype=dtype, device=device)
eval_counter = 0
# Ensure that begin lower bounds the root
out_begin = f(begin) > 0
while out_begin.any():
end[out_begin] = torch.min(end[out_begin], begin[out_begin])
begin[out_begin] /= 2
out_begin = f(begin) > 0
eval_counter += 1
# Ensure that end upper bounds the root
out_end = f(end) < 0
while out_end.any():
begin[out_end] = torch.max(begin[out_end], end[out_end])
end[out_end] *= 2
out_end = f(end) < 0
eval_counter += 1
if eval_counter > 1 and verbose:
f"[TorchDR] {eval_counter} evaluation(s) to set the bounds "
"of the root search."
return begin, end