"""Ground metrics and distances."""
# Author: Hugues Van Assel <vanasselhugues@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License
import torch
import numpy as np
from torchdr.utils.utils import identity_matrix, kmin
from .keops import LazyTensor, pykeops
from .faiss import faiss
LIST_METRICS_KEOPS = ["euclidean", "sqeuclidean", "manhattan", "angular", "hyperbolic"]
LIST_METRICS_FAISS = ["euclidean", "sqeuclidean", "angular"]
def pairwise_distances(
X: torch.Tensor,
Y: torch.Tensor = None,
metric: str = "sqeuclidean",
backend: str = None,
exclude_self: bool = False,
k: int = None,
r"""Compute pairwise distances matrix between points in two datasets.
Returns the pairwise distance matrix as torch tensor or KeOps lazy tensor
(if keops is True).
X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features)
First dataset.
Y : torch.Tensor of shape (m_samples, n_features), optional
Second dataset. If None, Y = X.
metric : str, optional
Metric to use for computing distances. The default is "sqeuclidean".
backend: {"keops", None}, optional
Which backend to use for handling sparsity and memory efficiency.
Default is None.
exclude_self : bool, optional
If True, adds weight on the diagonal of the distance matrix.
Default is False.
k : int, optional
Number of nearest neighbors to consider for the distances.
Default is None.
C : torch.Tensor or pykeops.torch.LazyTensor (if keops is True)
of shape (n_samples, m_samples)
Pairwise distances matrix.
if backend == "keops":
if not pykeops:
raise ValueError(
"[TorchDR] ERROR : pykeops is not installed. "
"Please install it to use `backend=keops`."
C, indices = _pairwise_distances_keops(
X, Y, metric, k=k, exclude_self=exclude_self
elif backend == "faiss" and k is not None:
if not faiss:
raise ValueError(
"[TorchDR] ERROR : faiss is not installed. "
"Please install it to use `backend=faiss`."
C, indices = _pairwise_distances_faiss(
X=X, Y=Y, metric=metric, k=k, exclude_self=exclude_self
C, indices = _pairwise_distances_torch(
X=X, Y=Y, metric=metric, k=k, exclude_self=exclude_self
return C, indices
def _pairwise_distances_torch(
X: torch.Tensor,
Y: torch.Tensor = None,
metric: str = "sqeuclidean",
k: int = None,
exclude_self: bool = False,
r"""Compute pairwise distances between points using PyTorch.
When Y is not provided (i.e. computing distances within X) and
`exclude_self` is True, the self–distance for each point (i.e. the diagonal)
is set to infinity so that the self index is not returned as a nearest neighbor.
X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features)
First dataset.
Y : torch.Tensor of shape (m_samples, n_features), optional
Second dataset. If None, Y is set to X.
metric : str
Metric to use for computing distances. Supported values are those in LIST_METRICS_KEOPS.
k : int, optional
Number of nearest neighbors to consider for the distances.
If provided, the function returns a tuple (C, indices) where C contains the k smallest distances.
exclude_self : bool, default False
If True and Y is not provided, the self–distance (diagonal elements) are set to infinity,
excluding the self index from the k nearest neighbors.
C : torch.Tensor
If k is None, C is the full pairwise distance matrix of shape (n_samples, m_samples).
If k is provided, C is of shape (n_samples, k) containing the k smallest distances for each sample.
indices : torch.Tensor or None
If k is provided, indices is of shape (n_samples, k) containing the indices of the k nearest neighbors.
Otherwise, None.
if metric not in LIST_METRICS_KEOPS:
raise ValueError(f"[TorchDR] ERROR : The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
# If Y is not provided, use X (and reuse its memory).
if Y is None or Y is X:
Y = X
do_exclude = exclude_self
do_exclude = False # Only exclude self when Y is not provided.
# For metrics that require norms, compute once and reuse if Y is X.
if metric in {"sqeuclidean", "euclidean", "hyperbolic"}:
X_norm = (X**2).sum(dim=-1)
if Y is X:
Y_norm = X_norm
Y_norm = (Y**2).sum(dim=-1)
# Compute pairwise distances for each metric.
if metric == "sqeuclidean":
# (X_norm.unsqueeze(-1)) has shape (n, 1) and (Y_norm.unsqueeze(-2)) has shape (1, m).
C = X_norm.unsqueeze(-1) + Y_norm.unsqueeze(-2) - 2 * (X @ Y.transpose(-1, -2))
elif metric == "euclidean":
C = X_norm.unsqueeze(-1) + Y_norm.unsqueeze(-2) - 2 * (X @ Y.transpose(-1, -2))
# In-place clamp and sqrt to reduce memory usage.
elif metric == "manhattan":
# Note: This will create a large intermediate tensor with shape (n, m, d).
C = (X.unsqueeze(-2) - Y.unsqueeze(-3)).abs().sum(dim=-1)
elif metric == "angular":
C = -(X @ Y.transpose(-1, -2))
elif metric == "hyperbolic":
C = (
X_norm.unsqueeze(-1) + Y_norm.unsqueeze(-2) - 2 * (X @ Y.transpose(-1, -2))
) / (X[..., 0].unsqueeze(-1) * Y[..., 0].unsqueeze(-2))
raise ValueError(f"[TorchDR] ERROR : Unsupported metric '{metric}'.")
# If requested, exclude self–neighbors by setting the diagonal to a large number.
if do_exclude:
n = C.shape[0]
diag_idx = torch.arange(n, device=C.device)
C[diag_idx, diag_idx] = 1e12
# If k is provided, select the k smallest distances per row.
if k is not None:
C_knn, indices = kmin(C, k=k, dim=1)
return C_knn, indices
return C, None
def _pairwise_distances_keops(
X: torch.Tensor,
Y: torch.Tensor = None,
metric: str = "sqeuclidean",
k: int = None,
exclude_self: bool = False,
r"""Compute pairwise distances between points using KeOps LazyTensors.
When Y is not provided (i.e. computing distances within X) and
`exclude_self` is True, the self–distance for each point (diagonal)
is set to infinity so that the self index is not returned as a nearest neighbor.
X : torch.Tensor of shape (n_samples, n_features)
First dataset.
Y : torch.Tensor of shape (m_samples, n_features), optional
Second dataset. If None, Y is set to X.
metric : str
Metric to use for computing distances. Supported values are those in LIST_METRICS_KEOPS.
k : int, optional
Number of nearest neighbors to consider for the distances.
If provided, the function returns a tuple (C, indices) where C contains the k smallest distances.
exclude_self : bool, default False
If True and Y is not provided, the self–distance (diagonal entries) are set to infinity,
excluding the self index from the k nearest neighbors.
C : pykeops.torch.LazyTensor
If k is None, C is the full pairwise distance LazyTensor of shape (n_samples, m_samples).
If k is provided, C is of shape (n_samples, k) containing the k smallest distances for each sample.
indices : torch.Tensor or None
If k is provided, indices is of shape (n_samples, k) containing the indices of the k nearest neighbors.
Otherwise, None.
# Check metric support.
if metric not in LIST_METRICS_KEOPS:
raise ValueError(f"[TorchDR] ERROR : The '{metric}' distance is not supported.")
# If Y is not provided, use X and decide about self–exclusion.
if Y is None or Y is X:
Y = X
do_exclude = exclude_self
do_exclude = False # Only exclude self when Y is not provided.
# Create LazyTensors for pairwise operations.
X_i = LazyTensor(X.unsqueeze(-2)) # Shape: (n, 1, d)
Y_j = LazyTensor(Y.unsqueeze(-3)) # Shape: (1, m, d)
# Compute pairwise distances.
if metric == "sqeuclidean":
C = ((X_i - Y_j) ** 2).sum(-1)
elif metric == "euclidean":
C = (((X_i - Y_j) ** 2).sum(-1)) ** 0.5
elif metric == "manhattan":
C = (X_i - Y_j).abs().sum(-1)
elif metric == "angular":
C = -(X_i | Y_j)
elif metric == "hyperbolic":
C = ((X_i - Y_j) ** 2).sum(-1) / (X_i[0] * Y_j[0])
raise ValueError(f"[TorchDR] ERROR : Unsupported metric '{metric}'.")
# If requested, exclude self–neighbors by masking the diagonal.
if do_exclude:
n = X.shape[0]
Id = identity_matrix(n, keops=True, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype)
C = C + Id * 1e12
if k is not None:
C_knn, indices = kmin(C, k=k, dim=1)
return C_knn, indices
return C, None
def _pairwise_distances_faiss(
X: torch.Tensor,
k: int,
Y: torch.Tensor = None,
metric: str = "euclidean",
exclude_self: bool = False,
r"""Compute the k nearest neighbors using FAISS.
Supported metrics are:
- "euclidean": returns the Euclidean distance (square root of the squared distance)
- "sqeuclidean": returns the squared Euclidean distance (as computed by FAISS)
- "angular": returns the negative inner-product (after normalizing vectors)
If Y is not provided then we assume a self–search and, if `exclude_self` is True,
the self–neighbor is removed from the results.
X : torch.Tensor of shape (n, d)
Query dataset.
Y : torch.Tensor of shape (m, d), optional
Database dataset. If None, Y is set equal to X.
metric : str, default "euclidean"
One of "euclidean", "sqeuclidean", or "angular".
k : int, optional
Number of nearest neighbors to return.
(If `exclude_self` is True in a self–search, then k+1 neighbors are retrieved first.)
exclude_self : bool, default False
When True and Y is not provided (i.e. self–search), the self–neighbor (index i for query i)
is excluded from the k results.
distances : torch.Tensor of shape (n, k)
Nearest neighbor distances.
For metric=="euclidean", distances are Euclidean (i.e. square root of L2^2).
For metric=="sqeuclidean", distances are the squared Euclidean distances.
For metric=="angular", distances are the (normalized) inner product scores.
indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n, k)
Indices of the k nearest neighbors.
if metric not in LIST_METRICS_FAISS:
raise ValueError(
"[TorchDR] Only 'euclidean', 'sqeuclidean', and 'angular' metrics "
"are supported for FAISS."
# Convert input tensor X to a NumPy array.
dtype = X.dtype
X_np = X.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)
n, d = X_np.shape
# If Y is not provided, reuse X_np for Y_np.
if Y is None or Y is X:
Y_np = X_np
do_exclude = exclude_self
Y_np = Y.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)
do_exclude = False
# Set up the FAISS index depending on the metric.
if metric == "angular":
# Use the inner product index. Note: FAISS returns negative inner products.
index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(d)
elif metric in {"euclidean", "sqeuclidean"}:
# Use the L2 index. Note: FAISS returns squared distances.
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d)
# This branch should never be reached due to the initial check.
raise ValueError(f"[TorchDR] ERROR : Metric '{metric}' is not supported.")
# If the input tensor is on GPU, move the index to GPU.
if X.device.type == "cuda":
res = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(res, 0, index)
# Add the database vectors to the index.
# If self-search and excluding self, search for one extra neighbor.
if do_exclude:
k_search = k + 1
k_search = k
# Perform the search.
D, Ind = index.search(X_np, k_search) # D: (n, k_search), I: (n, k_search)
# For "euclidean", take the square root of the squared distances.
if metric == "euclidean":
D = np.sqrt(D)
# For "angular", negate the inner products.
elif metric == "angular":
D = -D
# For "sqeuclidean", leave the distances as returned (i.e. squared).
# If doing self–search with self–exclusion, remove the self neighbor from the results.
if do_exclude:
new_D = []
new_Ind = []
for i in range(n):
row_indices = Ind[i]
row_distances = D[i]
# Exclude the query itself.
mask = row_indices != i
filtered_indices = row_indices[mask]
filtered_distances = row_distances[mask]
D = np.vstack(new_D)
Ind = np.vstack(new_Ind)
# Otherwise, if extra neighbors were retrieved, trim to k.
if k_search > k:
D = D[:, :k]
Ind = Ind[:, :k]
# Convert back to torch tensors.
device = X.device
distances = torch.from_numpy(D).to(device).to(dtype)
indices = torch.from_numpy(Ind).to(device).long()
return distances, indices
def symmetric_pairwise_distances_indices(
X: torch.Tensor,
indices: torch.Tensor,
metric: str = "sqeuclidean",
r"""Compute pairwise distances for a subset of pairs given by indices.
The output distance matrix has shape (n, k) and its (i,j) element is the
distance between X[i] and Y[indices[i, j]].
X : torch.Tensor of shape (n, p)
Input dataset.
indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n, k)
Indices of the pairs for which to compute the distances.
metric : str, optional
Metric to use for computing distances. The default is "sqeuclidean".
C_indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n, k)
Pairwise distances matrix for the subset of pairs.
indices : torch.Tensor of shape (n, k)
Indices of the pairs for which to compute the distances.
X_indices = X[indices.int()] # Shape (n, k, p)
if metric == "sqeuclidean":
C_indices = torch.sum((X.unsqueeze(1) - X_indices) ** 2, dim=-1)
elif metric == "euclidean":
C_indices = torch.sum((X.unsqueeze(1) - X_indices) ** 2, dim=-1).sqrt()
elif metric == "manhattan":
C_indices = torch.sum(torch.abs(X.unsqueeze(1) - X_indices), dim=-1)
elif metric == "angular":
C_indices = -torch.sum(X.unsqueeze(1) * X_indices, dim=-1)
elif metric == "hyperbolic":
C_indices = torch.sum((X.unsqueeze(1) - X_indices) ** 2, dim=-1) / (
X[:, 0].unsqueeze(1) * X_indices[:, :, 0]
raise NotImplementedError(f"Metric '{metric}' is not (yet) implemented.")
return C_indices, indices